Tag Archives: google api

Generate QR Code for URLs using Google API

Since I want to implement QR codes into the URL shortener, I wrote a function in PHP that generates the link usin’ Google API.


 * Class for QR Codes 
class QR {
	 * Function returns URL to Google API QR Generated image
	 * @param url - The URL to be turned to QR Code
	 * @param size - Size of the QR image
	 * @param errorCorrection - Amount of reduntant information the QR code has (L - default, M, Q, H)
	 * @return Google API QR Generated image (to be used directly in img tag)
	public static function getQRforURL($url, $size, $errorCorrection = "L") {
		$link = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?" . 
				"cht=qr" . "&" .
				"chs=$size" . "x$size" . "&" .
				"chl=" . urlencode($url) . "&" .
				"choe=UTF-8" . "&" .
		return $link;

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