Author Archives: aidvu

Extracting pixel values from videos using OpenCV

I have been associated with an image processing group for some time that is doing research on background/foreground segmentation using neural networks. I might soon add a publication (depending if we get it done on time) on pixel-wise based segmentation. Here’s a function which takes an array of video files, and exports their pixels, one each line, into a file with a given separator. It is interesting to apply unsupervised learning alghoritms on the resulting set. Link to source. Written in C.
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Extract a file extension and check if the extension is allowed (using PHP)

Going to start work on a logo sharing portal. Yes, sharing, not selling. 🙂 It is quite a pain when you need to find a vector logo for an existing company, and all you get is some low resolution picture. Add to it that most of the people you can contact have no idea what are vector graphics and are proposing that you “Scan it off the business card.”.. So I needed functions for extension extraction and allowance check.. Nothing spectacular..
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A blog/website building tutorial from scratch

I’ll try explaining how to make you own website or blog using WordPress from scratch. When I say from scratch it means we’ll go through the whole process:

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Building up a (coders) blog site?

One of the things needed are those cool code coloring JavaScript thingies.. Ok, syntax highlighters is what they’re named. So, it’s no wonder the good one is named “Syntax Highlighter” and integrates very well with WordPress..

	if ($type == "Encode") {
		echo 'Encode';
	} else {
		echo 'Decode';

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URL Encode/Decode

The first real use of Exec-PHP.. Yesterday I was looking for an online URL Encoder/Decoder, and all I found were encoders and a decoder on some prehistoric website. So, here’s a encoder/decoder written in PHP (it’s not really written, it’s just using urlencode() and urldecode() functions..). More info about Percent-encoding.

Encode Decode

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